Follow these step-by-step instructions to have in-game hints in your Adventure Creator game
First, install Adventure Creator following its instructions.
Instructions on using this package
Install the package through the Package Manager
Create an empty GameObject that will control the hints, name it "NGHHintController".
Attach the NGHMenu component to the GameObject
Select the Mode from the NGHMenu Inspector
"Adventure Creator Menu" uses the menus from the AC Menu manager, supports also prefab menus
"Adventure Creator Generic" lets you create custom UnityEngine.UI based menus that do not use Adventure Creator menu manager
Adjust the script execution order
Go to Edit > Project Settings > Script Execution Order
Add NGHMenu to the list and load it before Default time
If you want to use TextMeshPro, remember you have to have in Project Settings -> Player -> Scripting Define Symbols value "TextMeshProIsPresent" (without quotes)
If you want to enable NGH logging, you can add NGH_TRACE_ON into the Scripting Define Symbols
If you are using AC 1.79.x, change the "AC Assembly Name" to Assembly-CSharp under the Advanced
Instructions on using the Adventure Creator Menu mode
In-game hints need two menu views: Guides view and Hints view.
In the Guides view are listed all the active guides at the moment. The user can click one of the guides to see hints regarding that guide. In the Hints view the selected guide is shown as a series of gradual hints. There should be a "Next hint" button to navigate to the next hint in the guide.
First, Attach the AC Menu Manager to the NGHMenu component.
AC Menu Manager attached to the NGHMEnu component
The Guides view
Create a prefab menu Canvas. Name it "GuidesMenu". The Canvas should include at least the following UI items:
Another Canvas that has a Vertical Layout Group component
Inside that Canvas, a Button. This button will be the sample button that will be cloned when listing the active guides.
Prefab Guide Menu with the vertical layout group
Create a menu in AC Menu manager. Name it "NGHGuides" and select "Unity Ui Prefab" as the source
Add a button named GuideButton inside the NGHGuides menu.
Click type is "Crossfade"
Menu to switch to: "NGHHints" (this will be created next)
Attach the prefab to the NGHGuides menu
Drag the GuidesMenu prefab from Assets to Linked Canvas prefab
Drag the button from the prefab to GuideButton Linked button
Guides Menu in AC Menu Manager
You should be now able to see the menu in the game. You still need to show the menu somehow. The easiest (for testing) is to have it "Enabled on start".
The Hints view
Create a prefab Canvas. Name it "HintsMenu". The Canvas should include at least following UI items:
A text (legacy) element (as of Adventure Creator 1.79.2 you cannot link TMP text to a Menu Label?) that will show the text content of the hint.
A button (no need to be legacy) that will show the user the next hint. Will be automatically hidden when there are no more hints.
Optional: A text (legacy) showing the current guide title
Optional: A RawImage showing an image if the current hint has one
Create a menu in AC Menu Manager. Name it "NGHHints" and select "Unity Ui Prefab" as the source
Set "Use TMPro Components" enabled to use TMPro
Add a label named "HintContentText" inside the NGHHints menu
Add a button named "NextHintButton" inside the NGHHints menu
On Click type select Custom Script
Attach the prefab to the NGHGuides menu
Drag the HintsMenu prefab from Assets to Linked Canvas prefab
Drag the text from the prefab to HintContentText Linked Text
Drag the button from the prefab to the NextHintButton Linked button
Optional: Add a label named "GuideTitle" inside the NGHHints menu
Drag the corresponding text from the prefab to the Linked Text
Optional: Add a graphic named "HintContentImage" inside the NGHHints menu
Select UI image type to "Raw Image"
Drag the corresponding raw image from the prefab to the Linked Raw Image
Hints Menu in AC Menu Manager
You should be now able to click the guide button (set is visible in AC Menu Manager) in the Guides view and it should show you the HintsMenu prefab with default values.
You might want to implement close buttons to each menu but that is outside the scope of this guide.
Attaching the actual hints to the NGHMenu
Create a folder named "ngh" inside Assets
Create a new file named "" inside the ngh folder
Add following content inside the file
title: A sample guide
This is the first hint
This is the second hint
In NGHMenu component, fill the Hints path with "Assets/ngh/"
If you now open the Guides view, you should see a button with the text "A sample guide". You might also see the default guide. You can set it non-visible in the AC Menu Manager. When you click the "A sample guide" button you should see the Hints view. It will show you the text "This is the first hint". When you click the next hint button you should see the text "This is the second hint" and the next hint button becomes invisible.
Creating a conditional guide
Create a new file named "" inside the ngh folder. Please note the name can be anything but don't use spaces in the name.
Find two boolean variables from your game inside the Variable Manager. Take note of the name of the variables. Lets say they are "Variable 1" and "Variable 2".
Add the following content inside the file
title: This guide is visible when variable one is true
when: Variable 1
# ((when Variable 2))
This hint is visible when variable two is true.
# ((until Variable 2))
This hint is visible when variable two is false.
If you now open the Guides view, you should see only the Set the Variable 1 to true in the game and open the Guides menu, again. You should now see both and guides. The hints of the conditional guide are shown depending on the value of Variable 2.